"Always Keep Th Faith , Saranghae<3 I Will Always Be With Eiiu!" -JungSongHee A.K.A Felicia Tan Wan Yi(:

Ask miie miie miie ~

Tuesday 31 August 2010

In my heartzxc , there's no other than eiiu(:

Going Library later , to study .
S0o will post later (:
Imy .

Thursday 26 August 2010

It's useless,no matter how hard eiiu tried eiiu will never crawl in my heart(:

Todae,there will be NO lyrics(;

S0o long never blog , mianhae bloggie);
ii do miss eiiu too ~
School was s0o s0o EMBARRASSING !
Aigooo ~ PE period , haizz . Lostface):
Been skipping Choir for as long as i could't remember .
Addicred to some anime , thux to penny!


Wednesday 18 August 2010

God ! Why didn't eiiu let miie die , why make miie survive !?

"Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice,
but falling in love with you was beyond my control."
“Should I smile because we are friends?
Or cry because we'll never be anything more?”
“I can't make you love me,want me,or understand me..
All I can do Is hope that someday you will.”
“Sitting next to you doing absolutely nothing,
means absolutely everything to me”

“Everyone in life is gonna hurt you,
you just have to figure out which people are worth the pain.”

"Nobody would love a geek like me..."

Why can't Lord just let miie die .
I dunn wanna survive in this world anymore .
I thought there is a reson for miie to survive .
But ii couldn't think of any reason to survive .
Yesterdae , on my way home , ii thought of it .
I wanted to end my life , be it an accident of others .
It doesn't matter , as long as ii get to die ...
This is th second time in life ii wanted to die .
But th first time in life ii wanted to die badly ...


Tuesday 17 August 2010

Dunn expect miie to forgive eiiu , cause eiiu betray miie ==

Yeah Listen to this

Even though darkness wraps around me
Even though I can't see one inch before me because it's so dark
The hurt heart heart heart of hers that got wounded
I will wrap around

I promise I'm gonna be down
Her that is getting tired of the repeated times
If you have no place to lean then come and lean on me
For you we will be together call us
Start again right now

Now again one better day~ one better day~
A bright tomorrow is waiting for you
Now again one better day~ one better day~
I'm here I will go together with you I'm going in
Thoughts that you're by yourself

The worlds that have no answer the days tic tok like the hands of a clock
All the hard times just cut them up
This light has waited for you
Her that is getting tired of the repeated times
If you have no place to lean then come and lean on me
For me I came here call us
And again start right now

Now again one better day~ one better day~
A bright tomorrow is waiting for you
Now again one better day~ one better day~
I'm here I will go together with you
My heart is running
Whenever with me

Now let's start baby yeah it is
Now again one better day~ one better day~
A bright tomorrow is waiting for you
Now again one better day~ one better day~
I'm here I will go together with you

- MBLAQ-One Better Day.

I never noee ii will ended up like this . It hurt miie in th heartzxc ...
Jermey Tan my cousin , BETRAY miie !? ii almost become a THEIF !
Shall not blog anymore , ii wann to go and sleep ...
iim damm fucked up -.- BLOODY FUCKER !
Buaiibyeee, nitesnites ....

May tomorrow be a better dae


Sunday 15 August 2010

Th more ii think of eiiu , th more heartbroken ii get .

One that speaks without thinking
Not a little child, but one that will embrace me
Not a girl that plays around sometimes when she's bored
But one that will only love me
Even if she stays still and guys hand her their phoone
That kind of girl that will proudly take out and show my picture

Girl, I need a girl
Pretty no matter what she does
A pretty body, too
Girl, I need a girl
Baby, I need you
Girl, you need me, too

A kind of girl that looks better in jeans than a skirt
A girl that will eat the kimchi fried rice that I make instead
A girl who looks young even though she's old
I like that kind of girl(Know what I mean)

A girl that acts shy, but knows how to be bold
Always pretends to careful of her behaviorBut when you're with her
Hmm, y'all know what I'm talking about

I need a girl-Taeyang ft G-Dragon(:

Heyhey , back for blogging(:
Whole dae were playing my BELOVED COUSINS !
ft - Jeremy,Daryl,Joey,Vanessa,Rachel,Kimberly,Yvonne etc ;)
Anyway , when down to plae , after that : WOOHOO~
I SAW KLEIN ONG BOON PING ! He saw miie too :X
Hahahahaas , iim mad :P LALALALALAA ~
Sometimes ii just simply love him ? ii dunno too :D
Tomorrow still got school , meeting Jam at 7am !
Must sleep lerhhx ~ Buaiibyee Readers(if theres any><)

"ii dunno if ii love him a not iim confused wat do ii feel bout him ?! Friends or stead ? ii dunno , we are like over friendship but not till stead ! IAMCONFUSED ! ii noee he dunn love miie at all , just playing with miie onlie , but ii just cannot let eiiu go ! iim starting to have a little tinsy winsy bit of feelings toward eiiu , but eiiu instantly kill it ! IHATEEIIU! "


Friday 13 August 2010

Why is it so hard for eiiu to believe ii care bout eiiu ?



Thursday 12 August 2010

My Love For Eiiu , Can't Seem To Stop(:

I’ll back off so you can live
Say it directly, looking at me
Say it looking into my eyes
Did you just say you wanted to break up?
Did you want to end it with me?

(I Know) You probably got a lady
(I Know) You probably got sick of me
Even though the tears are rushing to me

I’ll back off so you can live
That is all I can say
I’ll forget you so you can live better
So that you’ll be happy without me
The love that you tossed away, you can take it
Don’t even leave a trace behind and take it all
Don’t even say you’re sorry
Don’t worry about me

Your lips that told me tha you were going to leave
Why does it give me a reason to be angry today?
I need to stop you, the words don’t go out
And you are already moving far apart

(I know) You will forget me
(I know) I will really hate you
Even though you know everything

You! The reason I lived
You! Were all I wanted
You! It was me who only looked at you

Why? Why are you leaving?
Why? Why are you tossing me away?
If you were going to be like this
Why did you love me in the first place?

Do you happen to remember that day?
That day when we first met
I still remember it
The promise you made to me
That you will only care for me
That you will only protect me
That you will only love me
I believed your lies, I believed it

Did you really love me?
I’ll forget you so you can live better

-G.NA[I'll Back Off So You Can Live]

Harloo Readers(: Mainhae for not blogging):
Cause went out s0o and forth , go MarinaBaySand plus YOG'2010!

MarinaBaySand Events^^
Great , Have a great fun(; MarinaBaySand was FUN too! Hahaa , Jingyi,Peiling,Dylan,Vanessa,Ashley except for Evelynn stayed(; At night we cannot sleep , did something damm STUPID & FUN ! Suddenly miie & Peiling jump out of th bed and dance Nobody-Wondergirls:D Hahahaas , we like mad person like that ! :))

11August- YOG Ceremony(Rehearsal)

Went with Minsu plus her sister and friends((:
Ate Subway for dinner :P Then go the YOG lerhhx . Even though it is just rehearsal , there's still LOTS of people! Haizz , saw Ryan ! Bastard -.-" LOLS ! Anyway when home damm late ): Still got school!

Todae , PON choir again and again ): Awww...
iim going to be caught by Miss Elieen Tan again -.-"
Slack with Jingyi&Peiling after school .
After that went to my house blow air-con! LOLS ~
Boredtodeathnow ! Wat to do now ? Hmm ....


Saturday 7 August 2010

Replies (07.08.10)

6 Aug 10, 01:41 PM
SasukeToshiroMakotoEdward: HIHI! my takoyaki! owner!@!!!!! tagged!!!
J.SongHee윤두준(: Hihihihi~ Thuxthux , Alienny((:
1 Aug 10, 11:49 PM
VANESSAAA: Jiayou fe , always here for you k ! I'm just a text or call away , promise . (:
J.SongHee윤두준(: Kkaee , ii will(: ><>
1 Aug 10, 01:41 PM
Kim Minsu♥SHINee.: DONGSAENGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG~ UNNIE LOVES YOU TO THE MAXXXXXXXXXXXXXX! :biggrin: <3 class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size:medium;">J.SongHee윤두준(: Heheheezxc , Dongsaeng also love Unnie to th MAX !
1 Aug 10, 01:06 PM
VANESSAAA: Don't waste your energy on worthless people , you know what i mean ya ? Loveyouttm, tagged .
J.SongHee윤두준(: Okaeeokaee ~ ii noee , Loveya too^^
1 Aug 10, 01:06 PM
VANESSAAA: Sister ! Tagged <3 class="Apple-style-span" style="color: rgb(153, 153, 153); font-style: italic; font-family:Georgia, serif;font-size:medium;">J.SongHee윤두준(: Okaee , ><
1 Aug 10, 09:22 AM
Rachelle: Hongster :)
J.SongHee윤두준(: Wat Hongster ! LOLS !

Just Because I Love Eiiu , Doesn't Mean That I Have To Stead With Eiiu (:

I'm unable to deliver a message to you
I've been living nervously, searching
Just searching for a light
As I begin to chase after it, I turn back, afraid of the outcome
I’ve stopped numerous times
Tears gather on my smiling face
This road that we shared
Is the only truth that remains
When the rains falls I will become your umbrella
When the wind blows I will become your wall
Even though the darkness overtakes the night
Tomorrow will come no matter what
The flowers that bloom in spring and the sandy shores of the summer
The fall sunrises and winter sunshine
As much as it is necessary, as much as needed,
Courage lies where desires are present
Faraway, in a deep corner of the earth

-TVXQ , Because Tomorrow Will Come(:

Heyhey(; Tomorrow going Marina Bay Sand with Friends(:
Hehehee , anyway todae went tution , never did my hw ):
Feel s0o bad that ii never do my homework there , aigooo .
Haizz , my Sweetie Dongsaeng sae she maybe coming Deyi(:
Yeahh , go out with her if cann , if possible call Klein go :P
Hahahaas . S0o long never chat with KLEIN ONG BOON PING !
Dunn blogg lerhhx , wann to see "I am your Teacher"
Korea Drama wann ~ :D Buaiibyee :X


Wednesday 4 August 2010

Even Though Im Uglier Than Eiiu At Least My Heart Is Prettier Than Eiiu *SMIRKING*

I can’t even erase you
I can’t even throw you away
I endure another day again
I’m trapped inside of you
My heart is just tired, no, no, no
Why is a day without you so hard?
I can’t live, I can’t live
My heart is filled with love pain
My unspeakable, indispensable
Overflowing love pain

You fill my room completely with your scent
I want to know you
Now you make me unable to do anything
I hold back my tears
-SHINee[Love Pain]

Nothing to post reallie not in th mood of posting .
As always , hahahaas :D Just to inform something :

Marina Bay Sand Outing on 08.08~09.08.10(:

We will be going to Marina Bay Sand in th morning ,
Or slightly around noon ? >< (MianHae)
Together took Circle Line to Por .... (Somethingx2)
Then at there took Taxi to th hotel(;
Hahahaas , then we check-in like that , thenthenthen
After that we either go watch movie in th room ?
Or : Together go Shopping at th "so call" Shoppingmall(:
Or : We go roof-top th swimming pool , see scenery :D

Btw , Damm *Sorrie* to tell eiiu horhhx ,
Food is onlie available to MAGGIE MEE ! :X
Hahaas , still got hmm .... Bread ? Tibits ? Dotdotdot !

Shall end here , father naggingnaggingnagging -.-"
Tagg more horhhx , ily(:


Monday 2 August 2010

It is always my fault ... Why can't eiiu sae that is eiiur bloody fault ==

I wonder is friendship always that fragile ? It doesn't stay strong at all , haizxc . Friendshipp is meaningless . Just because 1 guy , she must kaopei miie , fight with miie , with our 3years friendship in hand ! Wtf !

Aish ! Had a bad dae): Screw my llife .
Pon choir todae , went straight home .
Then rachelle call miie to meet her , tell lianzi .
She sae , go Deyi there meet her , jiu like that lorhhx .
Settle th problem lerhhx , she dunn kp miie , ii dun kp her -.-
Then later sae wat , is her friend boiifriend or watever -.-
How do ii noee , who is he , ii just accept ppl blindly ==
Believe it or not , take it or leave it !
After that went to Bishan Library with Lianzi ...
Then Blablablabla(:

Lazy to type all out !


Sunday 1 August 2010

Friendship always lose over Love . Thats is obviously th truth ...

Yesterdae , ii wanted someone to talk to at midnight . to listen my problem . But no one is true to listening ... Piggy also dunno iim sad , ii heck care lerhhx ! ii wann someone to shared my problems with . Maybe finding a stead is not bad after all ... Wat am ii supposed to do ? Get a stead randomly ? - J.Songhee ;)

Heyheyhey , its th first dae of A.U.G.U.S.T !!
Another new month , another new start .
ii dunno wat to do with her ... Yesterdae ,
went out with Vanessa(: , Her Cousin(: plusplus Peiling & Penny !
Was fun larhhx , spent lots of money :P Th 2 P's go off first .
Miie , Vanessa & her cousin then went off around 6plus .
After that Vanessa my cousin , call to meet her . Jiu okaee lorhhx .
Went Somerset there then went walk around with her until ,
her families watch finish there movie at Cineleisure Orchard .
Then around 9plus they went my house market eat .
Then after that around 10plus , reach home 10.45 .
I cried yesterdae night because of 1bitch ! Screw my life !
Freakher == Always iim th one who suffer ..
Just now jiu at facebook kaopeikaobu -.- Think she ahlian arhhx !?
WATEVER ! Kanna scolded by no reason . Bitchy -.-
Now ii was wondering , maybe having a stead is a choice too .
I get all irritating when couples come close together and have bodycontact ==
Its irritate miie , ii feel alone , ii wann someone too ...
